N o o n a n   C u s t o m   D r u m s

noonancustomdrums@gmail.com     http://www.noonandrums.co.uk

Noonan "percentage" exotic laminated series

Noonan "percentage" exotic ply laminated shells are available in any size using a combination of these premium grade exotic veneers: Rock Maple, Birds Eye Maple, Masur Birch, Bleached Madrone, Black Walnut, Rio Rosewood, Myrtle Burr, Maple Burr, Walnut Burr etc., With hundreds of combinations to choose from, simply choose your preferred veneers to make up your uniquely tailored set giving you your perfect set up.

Noonan Percentage Exotic Laminated Snare Drums
Size: Wax Lacquer
10" 6 Lugs £POA £POA
12" 6 Lugs £POA £POA
13" 8 Lugs £POA £POA
14" 8 Lugs £POA £POA
14" 10 Lugs £POA £POA
15" 8 Lugs £POA £POA
Above prices are for chrome hardware. Hardware also available in satin chrome, nickle, satin nickle, black chrome, black nickle and gold. Prices on request.

Noonan Percentage Laminated Toms
Size: Wax Lacquer
10 £POA £POA
12 £POA £POA
13 £POA £POA
14 £POA £POA
15 £POA £POA
16 £POA £POA
18 £POA £POA
Hardware available in satin chrome, nickle, satin nickle, black chrome, black nickle and gold. Prices on request.

Noonan Percentage Exotic Laminated Bass Drums
Size Wax Lacquer
18 £POA £POA
20 £POA £POA
22 £POA £POA
24 £POA £POA
26 £POA £POA
28 £POA £POA
30 £POA £POA
Hardware available in satin chrome, nickle, satin nickle, black chrome, black nickle and gold. Prices on request.

Email : noonancustomdrums@gmail.com     Web : http://www.noonandrums.co.uk